Lowest Win Margin By Runs

TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
1. Hungary-------
2. Germany-------
3. Isle of Man-------
4. Isle of Man-------
5. Croatia-------
6. Ireland XI-------
7. Denmark-------
8. Luxembourg-------
9. Netherlands XI-------
10. Bulgaria-------
TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
11. Turkey-------
12. Estonia-------
13. Czechia-------
14. Scotland XI-------
15. Belgium-------
16. Serbia-------
17. Czechia-------
18. England XI-------
19. Spain-------
20. Guernsey-------
TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
21. Portugal-------
22. Isle of Man-------
23. Ireland XI-------
24. Netherlands XI-------
25. Scotland XI-------
26. Italy-------
27. Sweden-------
28. Isle of Man-------
29. Norway-------
30. Luxembourg-------
TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
31. Hungary-------
32. Scotland XI-------
33. Germany-------
34. Estonia-------
35. Belgium-------
36. Norway-------
37. Germany-------
38. England XI-------
39. Croatia-------
40. Italy-------
TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
41. Germany-------
42. Estonia-------
43. Scotland XI-------
44. Austria-------
45. Isle of Man-------
46. Greece-------
47. Greece-------
48. France-------
49. Isle of Man-------
50. Netherlands XI-------
TeamRUNSRUNS Cons100s50sWK4W5W
51. Germany-------
52. Belgium-------
53. Ireland XI-------
54. Spain-------
55. Norway-------
56. Greece-------
57. Netherlands XI-------
58. Norway-------
59. Estonia-------